1. admin@dainiktalashtimes.com : admin :
শুক্রবার, ১১ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ০২:১২ পূর্বাহ্ন
কোম্পানীগঞ্জে জিয়া সাংস্কৃতিক সংগঠন (জিসাস) এর কমিটি গঠন কোম্পানীগঞ্জে দক্ষিণ বুড়দেও পঞ্চায়েত কমিটি গঠন সফল আত্মকর্মী ও উদ্যোক্তা মোঃ সাইবুর রহমান এর “সাইবুর এগ্রো ফার্ম ” পরিদর্শন ভোলায় পিস্তল নিয়ে প্যানেল চেয়ারম্যানসহ আটক ২ জামালপুরে ট্রাক চাপায় অটোরিকশা চালকের মৃত্যু হাজারো নেতা কর্মী নিয়ে নিজ এলাকায় গণ সমাবেশে বিএনপি’র কেন্দ্রীয় সহ-দপ্তর সম্পাদক- টিপু পূর্বধলায় বানবাসী মানুষের মাঝে খাদ্যসামগ্রী বিতরণ করছে সেনাবাহিনী ভাঙ্গায় অচেতন অবস্থায় এক বৃদ্ধাকে কুড়িয়ে এনে সুস্থ করে পরিবারের কাছে হস্তান্তর কাজিপুরে চাঁদা দাবীর অভিযোগে বিএনপির ৭ নেতার বিরুদ্ধে মামলা জলঢাকায় দরিদ্রদের মাঝে ভ্যান সেলাই মেশিন ও ঢেউটিন বিতরণ

জামালপুরে পূর্ব শত্রুতার জেরে খামারে হামলা, ভাংচুর-লুটপাট, গ্রেপ্তার- ৭ 

  • প্রকাশিত: বৃহস্পতিবার, ১২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৪
  • ৩৭৯ ,০০ বার শেয়ার হয়েছে

জামালপুর প্রতিনিধিঃ

পূর্ব শত্রুতার জেরে জামালপুর শহরের খুপিবাড়ী খালপাড় এলাকায় নূরে আলম নামের এক ব্যক্তির গরু-ছাগল ও মৎস্য খামারে হামলা, ভাংচুর ও লুটপাটের ঘটনা ঘটেছে।

গত ৮ অক্টোবর দুপুরে দেশীয় অস্ত্র নিয়ে একদল সন্ত্রাসী এই হামলা ভাংচুর ও লুটপাটের ঘটনা ঘটায়। খবর পেয়ে ওইদিন দুপুরেই সেনাবাহিনী এবং পুলিশ ঘটনাস্থলে পৌঁছে পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণে আনে। এ সময় ঘটনাস্থল থেকে হাতে নাতে ৭ জনকে আটক করে।

এ ঘটনায় গত ৯ সেপ্টেম্বর খামার মালিক নূরে আলম বাদী হয়ে জামালপুর সদর থানায় একটি মামলা দায়ের করেন।

মামলার এজাহার সূত্রে জানা যায়, শহরের পাথালিয়া এলাকার মৃত মতিউর রহমানের ছেলে মোঃ মনজুরুল আজিজ, একই এলাকার মৃত বাদল মিয়ার ছেলে হাফিজুর রহমান, মতিউর রহমানের ছেলে মোস্তাফিজুর রহমান কাইজার, রাসেল, নোবেল এবং শহরের খুপিবাড়ী এলাকার দুদু মন্ডলের ছেলে মঞ্জু, জেলার মেলান্দহ উপজেলার নাগেরপাড়া গ্রামের হারুনুর রশিদের ছেলে রশিদ, একই উপজেলার থুরি টনকিপাড়া গ্রামের বেলালের ছেলে বিপ্লব ঐ গ্রামের রাসেল এবং ইসলামপুর উপজেলার দক্ষিণ গিলাবাড়ী গ্রামের মৃত কামাল সরদারের ছেলে দুলাল সরকারসহ আজ্ঞাত আরও ২০ থেকে ৩০ জন দেশীয় অস্ত্র নিয়ে সন্ত্রাসীরা খামারে হামলা চালায়।

হামলাকারীরা দুটি গাভী, দুটি বাছুর, একটি ষাড় বাছুর, মোটরসাইকেল, ১৪ টি ছাগলসহ নানা মূল্যবান জিনিস লুট করে নিয়ে যায়। এ সময় খামারে ভাংচুরও করে। এ সময় বাঁধা দিলে হামলাকারীরা খামার মালিক সহ ৬ জনকে পিটিয়ে আহত করে।

জামালপুর সদর থানার ওসি মুহাম্মদ মহব্বত কবীর সাংবাদিকদের বলেন, এ ঘটনায় পুলিশ ৭ জনকে গ্রেপ্তার করে জেল হাজতে পাঠানো হয়েছে। বাকিদের দ্রুত গ্রেপ্তারের চেষ্টা চলছে।

সংবাদটি শেয়ার করুন

5 responses to “জামালপুরে পূর্ব শত্রুতার জেরে খামারে হামলা, ভাংচুর-লুটপাট, গ্রেপ্তার- ৭ ”

  1. Dr.Muhammad Ashraf Faruk says:

    This response is all about the objection of the above fake, misinformation, propaganda and misleading content.

    The above fake news was printed and circulated by the representative of “Dainik Talash Times” on 12 September 2024 without seeing genuine documentation or making any further investigation to whom news is addressed. The name mentioned in the news about Nure-e Alam, is a perpetrator and currently under bail with his other partner Apel due to forged “title deeds” for the same land and farm.Nure-Alam and Apel both were arrested last year 2023 in July-August and were remained in the jail over 2 weeks (case ref: C.R. case no: 614/2022 Section: 467/471 ,Mymensingh).This case is still on going on trial in Mymensingh criminal court and hopefully sentenced will be given them soon by the court.
    The representative of this news should seek authenticity of Nure-e Alam’s ownership of this land and farm, mentioned in the news by seeing his ownership of this land he is demanding.They (Nure-e Alam and others) have forged ’title deeds’ of this land by dishonesty and fraudulent activities and hence the reason for their arrest and jail.Forged and fabricated ’title deeds’ was seized and kept in the safe custody by the honourable judge in the Jamalpur civil court (case no: 139/2021 ).The land and farm both were given to them as a rent in 2018 with deeds where they both gave their signatories in the deed and rent was also given time to time so many times by Nure-Alam and Apel before Covid-19 and audio video conversational evidence was recorded and kept as an evidential purpose if needed.
    These gangs of land thieves and robbers have been robbing property and land from innocent people many years in Jamalpur and elsewhere.These gangs were led by one of the Awamelegue ward leader Ainul Haq (living one of the area so called ‘Samdani potti’ in Jamalpur town and he is a criminal perpetrator who have many cases on his name and held in jail for many years with his other brother, robber Moinul. These gangs have taken lots of lands and properties in the Jamalpur area under the influence of political power of previous Awamelegue government and took shelter under ex mayor, of Jamalpur Municipality who has been forced to leave his mayoral post recently and now is hiding to preserve himself.These are all Nure-e Alam and their gang’s tricks and techniques to take property from innocent people, specially find owner who lives in abroad or stay away from their land or property for many reasons.They bring false accusations against those innocent genuine legal owners.Same way ,Nure-Alam did the same allegations and gave two false cases against owners of the mentioned land in this news namely Monjurul Aziz and Dr.Rassel (Dr.Muhammad Ashraf Faruk). However, both false accusations and cases were dismissed by the court [ C.R. Case no: 121 (1) 2022 and C.R. case no: 352 (1) 2022].
    Please note, above mentioned name in this news in the paragraph 4, all came from reputed family and professional personnel.Barrister Mustafizur Rahman, Kawsar and Rassel (Doctor) both are British citizen and their father Mr. Matior Rahman was a renowned lawyer in Mymensingh and Jamalpur.Doctor Rassel whose name was intentionally used in this news is currently staying in the U.K. with his other younger brother who is also British citizen.Please note, all of the children of Mr.Advocate Matior Rahman is highly educated and serving here in the Bangladesh and over the world.His eldest son Dr. Muttalib is also renowned cardiologist working as a chief cardiologist in Chittagonj Metropolitan Hospital and his another son Mr.Monjurul Kadir who is ex cadet and currently serving as an Electric engineer as an American citizen. Advocate Matior Rahman owned huge properties in his life and left for their children after his death. In the contrary, illiterate Nure-Alam have neither education nor owns any property while his father had nothing left over for him and his siblings.Nure-e-Alam was not able to show any record of any property for his or his father name for which he is claiming right now (court evidence for their denial is available if needed). Finally the date and time mentioned in the news so called their own made incidence on 8 September 2024, while Dr.Faruk (Rassel) was in the U.K. and documents of his existence in the U.K. in the real time through google and other trusted technology is readily available and will be provided at the time of prosecution as an evidence if necessary, hence this case and news both are fake, propaganda, discriminatory and misleading information.So necessary action will be taken soon which will leead for prosecution (defamation reason) unless news is withdrawn and ask for forgiveness.
    Dr.Rassel (Muhammad Ashraf Faruk)
    From United Kingdom.

  2. Dr.Faruk says:

    This response is all about the objection of the above fake, misinformation, propaganda and misleading content.

    The above fake news was printed and circulated by the representative of “Dainik Talash Times” on 12 September 2024 without seeing genuine documentation or making any further investigation to whom news is addressed. The name mentioned in the news about Nure-e Alam, is a perpetrator and currently under bail with his other partner Apel due to forged “title deeds” for the same land and farm.Nure-Alam and Apel both were arrested last year 2023 in July-August and were remained in the jail over 2 weeks (case ref: C.R. case no: 614/2022 Section: 467/471 ,Mymensingh).This case is still on going on trial in Mymensingh criminal court and hopefully sentenced will be given them soon by the court.
    The representative of this news should seek authenticity of Nure-e Alam’s ownership of this land and farm, mentioned in the news by seeing his ownership of this land he is demanding.They (Nure-e Alam and others) have forged ’title deeds’ of this land by dishonesty and fraudulent activities and hence the reason for their arrest and jail.Forged and fabricated ’title deeds’ was seized and kept in the safe custody by the honourable judge in the Jamalpur civil court (case no: 139/2021 ).The land and farm both were given to them as a rent in 2018 with deeds where they both gave their signatories in the deed and rent was also given time to time so many times by Nure-Alam and Apel before Covid-19 and audio video conversational evidence was recorded and kept as an evidential purpose if needed.
    These gangs of land thieves and robbers have been robbing property and land from innocent people many years in Jamalpur and elsewhere.These gangs were led by one of the Awamelegue ward leader Ainul Haq (living one of the area so called ‘Samdani potti’ in Jamalpur town and he is a criminal perpetrator who have many cases on his name and held in jail for many years with his other brother, robber Moinul. These gangs have taken lots of lands and properties in the Jamalpur area under the influence of political power of previous Awamelegue government and took shelter under ex mayor, of Jamalpur Municipality who has been forced to leave his mayoral post recently and now is hiding to preserve himself.These are all Nure-e Alam and their gang’s tricks and techniques to take property from innocent people, specially find owner who lives in abroad or stay away from their land or property for many reasons.They bring false accusations against those innocent genuine legal owners.Same way ,Nure-Alam did the same allegations and gave two false cases against owners of the mentioned land in this news namely Monjurul Aziz and Dr.Rassel (Dr.Muhammad Ashraf Faruk). However, both false accusations and cases were dismissed by the court [ C.R. Case no: 121 (1) 2022 and C.R. case no: 352 (1) 2022].
    Please note, above mentioned name in this news in the paragraph 4, all came from reputed family and professional personnel.Barrister Mustafizur Rahman, Kawsar and Rassel (Doctor) both are British citizen and their father Mr. Matior Rahman was a renowned lawyer in Mymensingh and Jamalpur.Doctor Rassel whose name was intentionally used in this news is currently staying in the U.K. with his other younger brother who is also British citizen.Please note, all of the children of Mr.Advocate Matior Rahman is highly educated and serving here in the Bangladesh and over the world.His eldest son Dr. Muttalib is also renowned cardiologist working as a chief cardiologist in Chittagonj Metropolitan Hospital and his another son Mr.Monjurul Kadir who is ex cadet and currently serving as an Electric engineer as an American citizen. Advocate Matior Rahman owned huge properties in his life and left for their children after his death. In the contrary, illiterate Nure-Alam have neither education nor owns any property while his father had nothing left over for him and his siblings.Nure-e-Alam was not able to show any record of any property for his or his father name for which he is claiming right now (court evidence for their denial is available if needed). Finally the date and time mentioned in the news so called their own made incidence on 8 September 2024, while Dr.Faruk (Rassel) was in the U.K. and documents of his existence in the U.K. in the real time through google and other trusted technology is readily available and will be provided at the time of prosecution as an evidence if necessary, hence this case and news both are fake, propaganda, discriminatory and misleading information.So necessary action will be taken soon which will leead for prosecution (defamation reason) unless news is withdrawn and ask for forgiveness.
    Dr.Rassel (Muhammad Ashraf Faruk)
    From United Kingdom.

    • admin says:

      Assalamu Alaikum We are sincerely sorry for the comment but we couldn’t give you a report but when we can see the comment then we will reply then the main thing is if you have documents contact our office authority we will definitely make a protest news and you can directly contact the editors editors no. 01917511245

      • admin says:

        We are bound to do news on your behalf by confirming your authenticity if you can show evidence and if you have documents our authorities and news presenters must do news on your behalf if you have any documents.

  3. Dr.Faruk says:

    Thank you for your prompt response and someone will contact you on behalf of us.

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